Pay Attention to Unpleasant Feelings – Part 2
Once you start being conscious about the roots of unpleasant feelings, you can begin to think and react differently. Part two of this blog shows you what tools are available to you.
Self-Esteem Is Your Right to Be: An Excerpt from Chapter 6 of Raised in a Bottle
Self-esteem is something that develops through our relationships, especially with the people closest to us. It can make the difference between being treated well or poorly. In short, it means everything to your overall well-being.
Self-Esteem Is Your Right to Be: An Excerpt from Chapter 6 of Raised in a Bottle Read More »
Your Invitation to Build a Strong Foundation for Your Life, from the Introduction to Raised in a Bottle
Chances are, if you are the child of someone with an addiction to alcohol, your upbringing likely left you unprepared for life as an adult. The consequences could be compared to those of living in a poorly constructed house, with an unreliable foundation.